What is Consil?
Consil synthetic bone graft material is a bioactive ceramic containing salts of calcium, sodium, silica, and phosphorus. It undergoes a time dependent surface reaction when implanted at the dental or orthopedic repair site. The surface reaction results in the formation of a calcium phosphate layer that is substantially equivalent to the hydroxyapatite layer found in bone material. Osteoblasts infiltrate and proliferate on the surface of the material, and bone growth occurs uniformly throughout the defect.
Consil material accelerates the healing process and research has shown that Consil’s mechanisms of action include enhancing cell signaling and cell division necessary for facilitating bone regeneration and repair of bony defects.1,2
Advantages Of Consil Dental, Orthopedic and Putty Procedures
Conform readily to the defect site
Composed of materials naturally present in the body
Begin to repair bony defects through new bone production within 4 weeks3
Develop a bending strength and stiffness very similar to normal bone in 3 months
Can be used in contaminated sites because of the physiological pH maintained which inhibits bacterial growth,4,5 though site should be flushed well to remove debris Minimize bleeding at the site and will not migrate due to hemostatic properties3,6
Multiple year shelf life
Consil For Use In Dental and Orthopedic Procedures
- Infrabony pockets caused by periodontal disease
- Tooth extraction sites
- Endodontic-periodontic lesions
- Traumatic defects or intraosseous flaws related to pulpal floor or lateral root perforations
- Long bone multiple or comminuted fracture repair
- Osteotomy sites
- Delayed unions/nonunions
- Arthrodesis
- To fill defects from cysts, tumors or screw removal
- Or anywhere a bone graft material is needed
Consil Putty Synthetic Bone Graft
Ready to use (no mixing or other prep needed) – just apply to surgical site
Non-hardening putty consistency makes graft material very easy to handle and mold to surgical site
Available in two sizes: 2.5 cc and 10 cc tray packaged with a dual sterile barrier
- Au AY, Au RY, Al-Talib TK, et al. Consil bioactive glass particles enhance osteoblast proliferation and maintain extracellular matrix production in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2008; 86(3):678-684.
- Au AY, Au RY, Demko JL, et al. Consil bioactive glass particles enhance osteoblast proliferation and selectively modulate cell signaling pathways in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2010;94(2):380-388.
- Oonishi H, Kushitani S, Yasukawa E, et al. Particulate bioglass compared with hydroxyapatite as a bone graft substitute. ClinOrthop 1997: (334)16-325.
- Allan I, Newman H, Wilson M. Antibacterial activity of particulate bioglass against supra- and subgingival bacteria. Biomaterials 2001;22:1683-1687.
- Stoor P, Soderling E, Salonen JI. Antibacterial effects of a bioactive glass paste on oral microorganisms. Acta Odontol Scand 1998;56:161-165.
- DeForge DH. Evaluation of Bioglass/PerioGlas (Consil) synthetic bone graft particulate in the dog and cat. J Vet Dent 1997;14:141-145.
Federal law restricts this device to sale by, or on the order of, a licensed Veterinarian.